First of all, I want to thank all who commented on my last post and left some great advice. I think I am snapping out of it. Am hoping the smell of Spring around the corner is helping with the process as well. The first thing I did after I read your comments was bake...bake something comforting....something that would make me feel good and warm inside. I found the most amazing banana muffin recipe at the cutest cooking blog called
Cat Can Cook. Coincidence that I found the blog that references a "cat?" :) Oh my goodness, these muffins stay truly moist!
Bananas are true sources of energy. A banana contains potassium, proteins, fibers, carbohydrates and an association of vitamins: A, B, B6, C and E; it is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and
folic acid. I would have to say the banana is one of the
healthiest fruits there is!
I bet you didn't know bananas have magical properties as well. I didn't. Their properties include fertility, potency and prosperity.
I had these everyday for breakfast for more than a week and NEVER got tired of 'em. I hope you try them out if just for a little down home comfort food. :)
Blessings all!