Seriously, he was in my dream. Lol!
First off I want to thank all of you who offered to help. I'm just not that great at dream analysis...or should I say I am not confident enough? This one I've had several times in the last week so it must be telling me something.
Okay so it starts out with me inside a large warehouse. There are several people around me who are friends but I don't really recognize them. We all are in agreement that there is a large monster in the last room of this warehouse that one of us has to fight. So, I offer to do it. However, there are several rooms I have to go through before I get to the last room. The only two things I have to arm myself with are a large knife (almost like a machete) and a large rubber shark.
In the first room are tons and tons of cats (go figure) and they each have their own little beds. I'm wondering why they're not afraid. I sense that they are all happy cats with their beds and plenty of food. So, I walk through that room and enter the next. In the next room it's empty. It has several levels to it...rafters, etc. It also has a spiral staircase like the ones that used to be in houses built in the 70's. Sort of all metal. As I walk towards the staircase a waiter passes me by. He doesn't pay attention to me and I'm trying to tell him there's a monster inside! He still ignores me. Then all of a sudden these naked old men come walking down the staircase and their laughing. I'm trying to warn them about the monster and they just laugh at me. One of them steals my knife and I'm dumbstruck that no one is listening. They continue to tease me. Somehow in the end I get the knife back.
I leave that room and enter the last. The last room leads me into catacombs...rock walls, torches that light the catacombs and all of a sudden the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters jumps out and he's very mean. I start hitting him with the knife, not stabbing him, hitting him with the flat side and then slapping him with the rubber shark. I put up a good fight and he runs off the other direction.
And that's where it ended. You know, usually I have some sort of sense about what's going on in my dreams but I am completely stumped with this one. Help! Thank you, thank you!