I have waited too long to share my award with everyone! I won my first award for The Vintage Sage from Keke over at In My Sepia Studio! Thank you, Keke! Keke is such a charismatic, artistic, inspiring artist! She's a wonderfully positive thinker and I truly admire her. If I need a little inspiration I just go here. :) Thank you for The Sisterhood Award! Yay me! :)
Now, I'd like to pass this onto one special person who is my alter-ego. She is my "darkness" as I am her "light". We are definitely opposites yet we understand each other so well. I also want to introduce you to her to show you her wonderfully amazing "dark" artwork. It's so funny she just completed this piece of art not long after I saw the musical Wicked. Marzel's work is amazing and if you haven't already seen her blog, go here (the Play of Light and Shadow - the site we share)!! This particular piece of artwork is up on eBay right now. :)
Also, she is my personal graphic artist! She has done the header for my blog Chocolate and Marmalade Tea. Someone who can be so opposite me completely understands the "light" of me. Isn't that great? We both can truly appreciate how opposites can benefit each other.
And just remember....there is no light without dark.