Thursday, September 22, 2011

Herb Window

I'm starting my herb window. Remember the "fern" window I created a few years back? This will get me through the cold season. :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Do you see that up there? Yea, that adorable, rustic wreath with the peace sign in the middle? I want to make it. I'm going to make it. I have the twigs from my travels in the forest and now I just need the wreath. I'll show you when I'm done. :)

Peace to everyone!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cheap or Creative?

I had a great idea while drinking a Huckleberry Lager beer on my recent trip with my family to Whitefish, Montana! I love vintage things. I can't afford a lot of fine art. I already had the! I loved the label on the beer so I decided to soak the bottle in water and peel the label off and frame it! Is it cheap art or being creative? :)

By the way! Sorry for not including the link to the Enchanted Chicks blog! Click here! Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Introducing the Enchanted Chicks!

Hi guys! I realize I haven't been posting much lately. I have a very good reason. My energy was just shifted elsewhere for a bit and I wanted to share with you why.

Introducing the Enchanted Chicks! If you want to learn to live life filled with enchantment, join me and three other Chicks on our journey to living and breathing an enchanted life. We hope you will too!

I promise it will be filled with tons of fun and magic!

Sorry guys! Forgot to link it! Go to Have fun!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hydrangea Petal Spell

If you believe you have been hexed or cursed, the petals from a hydrangea are wonderful for protection. I typically grind down the dried hydrangea petals I have and place a few drops of lavender essence oil in the petals. Then, I'll place in a little sachet and carry it with me where ever I go. I usually perform this spell during a waning moon.

Have you used hydrangea petals in a spell? Would love to know how you use them.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'm back!!

So sorry for being gone so long. Hard to explain. Was very disconnected...but I'm feeling the magic come back into my life despite a few hurdles. :)

Hope you have all been well and wonderful. I will try to catch up!

Until then...the plants are growing, the flowers are blooming....and we are all enjoying the nice weather. :)

More to come!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rain, rain go away!

Because all it's making us do is yawn and be sleepy. :) Oh but we love to sleep (and cuddle with the fur babies).

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Banana Muffins and the Magical Banana..and a Thank You!

First of all, I want to thank all who commented on my last post and left some great advice. I think I am snapping out of it. Am hoping the smell of Spring around the corner is helping with the process as well. The first thing I did after I read your comments was bake...bake something comforting....something that would make me feel good and warm inside. I found the most amazing banana muffin recipe at the cutest cooking blog called Cat Can Cook. Coincidence that I found the blog that references a "cat?" :) Oh my goodness, these muffins stay truly moist!

Bananas are true sources of energy. A banana contains potassium, proteins, fibers, carbohydrates and an association of vitamins: A, B, B6, C and E; it is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and folic acid. I would have to say the banana is one of the healthiest fruits there is!

I bet you didn't know bananas have magical properties as well. I didn't. Their properties include fertility, potency and prosperity.

I had these everyday for breakfast for more than a week and NEVER got tired of 'em. I hope you try them out if just for a little down home comfort food. :)

Blessings all!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trying to get connected again...

A moment of peace....

I know I probably sound like a broken record saying sorry for not blogging but truly I have no excuse. Even with the reality being that I truly have not been connected to spirit the last few months shouldn't be an excuse. I can blog about other things, right? When I started this blog, though, I wanted to keep it focused on Spirit, energy, celebrating the seasons, etc. but not being spiritual makes it kind of hard. The hard part about it all is I have no clue why I have not been connected to spirit lately. Have any of you ever experienced this? *sigh*

Anyhoo...I am going to try to get back to blogging again and TRY, TRY, TRY to get back to my spiritual self. If you have any suggestions how to do that, let me know! Otherwise, I have been just living life, riding, school, work, volunteering. Maybe I've overbooked myself? Lol!

Bless you all!